Friday, January 30, 2009

January 2009

Well, since I failed at my first attempt to blog late last summer, I thought I would start the new year out right! The days just go by so quickly. I watch as my kids change right before my very eyes. It seems we are so busy, that we often miss the sweet little moments that are just passing us by.

All the kids got off to a great start of the school year. John Matt and Ann Michael are at David Lipscomb while Mallye and Maddyn are at Otter Creek. Mallye is in Kindergarten and that just cannot be!

John Matt is in 5th grade and started his first year of school football. No more Brentwood Blaze for him which makes me a little sad! He is officially a Colt! What a great season the 5th grade team had. Many of the kids had played in the past, but most had not. The coaching staff did an excellent job giving the boys such a positive experience. John Matt did a great job at quarterback and leading the team. We are so proud of him! He is growing up and changing everyday! He has such a kind heart and so wants to please!

Ann Michael is in 3rd grade! Wow! What spirit she has! She loves to cheer ( which mom is not so sure about)! We took a leave of absence from cheerleading since brother wasn't playing for the Blaze. She presently dances at NDC and has such rhythm! She has grown in her love for basketball(hurray)! She has an outstanding shot for her age. However, we just only like the game when we are open to shoot! We are working on some skills and I think she may continue to succeed if that is her wish! She is so full of energy that she wears me out. I forget what it is like to be 9 yrs old! ( and a girl at that)!

Mallye is 5 and just so goes with the flow. Her favorite words every morning are "What do we have today". Oh, I don't won't to forget those sweet words. Bless her heart . .she just is used to being on the go! She is so loving and snuggly! She is such a good big sister always giving Maddyn her way. She never really fights with her! She just knows where her spot is. It must be tough to be in the middle . .not the oldest and not the youngest, but still such a sweet baby! She loves her friends at Otter Creek. However, we are sure to have a few"at home" days together since she will be in Kindergarten again next year!

Maddyn.. .oh my, what a blessing in our lives. Even though I couldn't believe we were having another girl, I can't imagine life without my little Maddyn. She is so smart and so fun! She is learning so quickly! I cannot believe how fast she is growing. She is so well rounded and just everyone's little sister! She has so many big brothers and sisters because all of the siblings friends think she is part theirs too! Maddyn loves school at Otter Creek. She loves to see Miss Eva and Miss Shelbi . . Never once did she cry about leaving me and going to school. As much as I hated to see her go, I love that confidence about her!

The Fall days went by with Halloween and Thanksgiving. During those days we played lots of football and fall basketball for Ann Michael. Dad took time to fish in some fishing tournaments which he enjoys doing. I am so blessed by my family. Each day, I see more and more of Christ through my children and that is a parent's greatest joy! It is so true that it takes a village and we are so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends!

I rounded out 2008 with my new little business: dpm Photography. I never really took my own pictures growing up because my mom and dad always were the ones with the camera. As I had children, I realized quickly that I was becoming just like my mom and dad! However, something was different. I developed a passion for photography! Everyone sees things differently. That is what makes each photographer unique in his own way! It is up to you to decide what exactly it is you desire in a photo! I particularly enjoy shooting children and sports. I grew up loving sports and earned a basketball scholarship to Belmont! And boy, did those days sure go by fast! Even though I have an education degree, I really love photography and would like to take it to a higher level! I have spent most of 2008 shooting children of some really good friends! My desire to do this has escalated even more! I love children, sports and photography! What a combination!What a dream job!

I hope you will take the time to browse my website. I would love to help you capture those special moments with your children as well. Hug those little ones tight! They will be gone tomorrow! Be sure to always thank God for each day you have to spend with them.

Have a wonderful start to the new year and God bless !

Blessings always

Daree Merritt

dpm Photography

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