Monday, March 2, 2009


Where has February gone? It just seems like yesterday I sat there and watched my children tear into their Christmas presents with eyes full of excitement! The days just pass us by! February was a very busy month .. one word . . Basketball! With John Matt playing on two teams and Ann Michael playing on one team, not to mention my team at Brentwood Academy . .we were in the gym every night of the week it seemed. On the nights we didn't have a game or practice, we were so happy to be together at home! .
Brentwood Academy was such a blessing this year! I looked forward to everyday walking into that gym with those girls who are so full of life. Basketball is very therapeutic for me! In all the craziness of trying to get my kids somewhere for someone to watch them while I go to practice . .it was all so worth it for me just to get to step through those lines! It is almost like you take on a different personality. Something that has been a part of you all your life, it is so hard to ever let it go! I would like to think that I was that mentor for the girls and that influence they need in their lives. But, the other is just the case. I am the one who is on the receiving end! The joy that they bring each and every day! They make me a better person! What means more to me than anything is seeing them interact with my children and seeing the love my children have for each of those girls. It's like I told the girls the last game of our season . .."When you love my kids, you have my heart!"Just to see my children light up when they see the girls and run into their arms . .that is worth it all!
Now we are wrapping up basketball and getting ready for Spring Break! Looking forward to the beach! Planning on taking some family beach pics so if you are in the Destin area around Spring Break, I will be there! Beach pictures are by far my favorite pictures of all my pictures of my children. I am such a beach person anyway! It is such a place of peacefulness for me! There is nothing like that sound of the ocean all day and leaving your window open at night and hearing the roar! Yes, it may be slightly cold at Seagrove Beach in March, but I am so happy to be away with my family and friends and focusing on each other! There is nothing like friends and family. Without them, I would be lost! They make me a better mom each and every day! Have a wonderful spring! It is just around the corner!

dpm Photography

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