I just recently began a new website . .dpm.smugmug.com. I photographed all the baseball action shots for Crieve Hall this year and posted them on my site. I have had so much fun being involved with so many kids and watching them play the sport they love!! I also have began photographing children for their parents . .I love it!! I have finally began doing something with what I have loved to do for so many years!! Check out my website!!
John Matt has been playing baseball. Congratulations to the Golden Grizzlies on their District Champs title. They will be playing in the State tournament this weekend. Good Luck Grizzlies!! However, this week he has been at David Lipscomb Football Camp getting ready for the season!! It will be here before we know it!!
Ann Michael has had an exciting summer! She basically taught herself a round-off back-handspring and now flips everywhere she goes. Thank you to the Thompson girls for their help with her!! You never say no whenever she needs a "spot"!! Also, just last week Ann Michael got her braces on! She looks so cute!! She chose the colors blue and green!! Ann Michael will be having a birthday come August . . she will be 9!!
Mallye just celebrated her 5th birthday with a pool party! Along with her family, her best friend Karley came and celebrated with her. Her Mimi and Papa gave her a trampoline and all the kids jump non-stop everyday!! I cannot believe my little Mallye will be starting Kindergarten at Otter Creek this Fall!
Maddyn turned 2 in March! She says and does everything now! She just follows behind all the big kids doing everything that they do. She loves to swim in Mimi and Papa's pool! She loves to jump on the trampoline as well . . ."look Mama I dumping" she says! She is growing so fast!!
Kevin, bless his heart has been burning the candle at both ends and in the middle!! He goes from working all day, straight to the ball park, dinner, kids in bed and then it's bed for all of us! He has managed a few fishing tournaments here and there to help "clear his mind"!
However, both of our lives are all about our kids and we would not have it any other way! Lord willing, we will have time in the long run just for ourselves!! Right now, we have a more important job to do!!
We are on our way to the beach for a week with family!! A little R&R??? . . you must be kidding!!
Well, that's all for now . . Life with the Merritt Family . . never a dull moment . . ..
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