Friday, January 29, 2010


This fall I had the privilege of shooting some of the most beautiful girls for their Senior Pictures. Here are two of the girls that have been long time friends of my family. Winn is a Sr. at Ravenwood High School and Jessie is a Sr. at Goodpasture Christian School. Both girls have such beautiful smiles and were such a joy to photograph. Thank you girls for allowing me to be a special part of your Sr. year. Good luck to both of you! Enjoy these lasts few months of high school!

And then. . there is Weston, my nephew. How can you be a Senior? I remember so many little things about you but somehow feel I have missed the big picture. I can remember how Kevin held you as a toddler on his shoulder while we were on our family summer vacation in Panama City Beach. I will always remember your sweet little blond curls. You have always had a sweet quietness about you! I remember when you were twelve and staying in a hotel room for a week in Alabama watching your baseball team win the championship! I remember all our spring break and summer vacations year after year. I remember your 16th birthday and your new black truck which you look so handsome in by the way. I love knowing you are right next door to Mimi and Papa.

I know your Senior year of football was a downer... however, how impressive it was to see you hold your head high and not question the cards you had been dealt. You handled that like a champion in my book! I know you are ready for baseball season and I wish you the very best as you close out your days at Goodpasture High School.

There is a great big world out there waiting for you... waiting for you to make a difference.. and you will! Know that whatever comes your way... it is all in HIS plan for you! We love you so much!

Kevin, Daree and the kids

Where Does the Time Go?

I often sit back and reflect on the "Days Gone By". The pictures you see in the panel above are, of course, of my babies. I am so blessed beyond measure! But how painful it is to watch and realize how fast they grow right before your very eyes. These pictures were taken on our 2009 Summer Vacation. John Matt is 12, Ann Michael 10, Mallye 6, and Maddyn 3. It just seems like yesterday that we had our first, John Matt. Each and every day is such a blessing. God has and continues to bless our family! I hope they know how proud I am to be their Mom!

Friday, January 8, 2010

2009 DPM Photography Year in Review

2009 just came and went before my very eyes. A special thank you to all my friends and family who made this year so memorable for all of us! Looking towards 2010 to be the best year ever!

This year has been a year filled with sports events... I will continue to add to my slideshow for you to see..

DPM Photography has been a blessing to my life and to my family. I live everyday striving to make it the best that it can be. Would love to have you as a part of DPM Photography in the year 2010! Blessings on you and your family!
What a memorable year.. 2009! I have experienced great joy and have truly been blessed by families that have allowed me into their hearts. I hope 2010 continues to bring wonderful memories into your home! Many thanks to all of you who have encouraged me to pursue my dreams!

Love from my family to yours . .. daree